Theoretical teaching
Basic structure: Technological innovations; Technological advancement and predictions; Technology transfer;
Individual lectures: Processes and phenomena in civilisation development; Technological development in various civilisation periods; Industrial revolutions; IT revolution and production; Technology and social factors; Technology and human factors; Organisational models of company; Development management - introduction; Development politics; Technological development and world economy; Innovative and investment processes; Product development, technological and marketing approach; Innovations and entrepreneurship; Technological predictions; Company development - company life cycle; Company development management - management of changes; Development and development management on the state level; Investment processes; Marketing strategies and product sales.
Practical teaching: Examples from lectures; Guidelines for individual seminars;
General information
Study program: Undergraduate studies, Environmental engineering, Industrial engineering, Engineering management
Semester: 8.
Lectures: 4
Exercises: 4
Milan Pavlovic, full professor
Course books
- Ristic D, Tehnoloski razvoj, Agora, Novi Sad, TF Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, 1992.
- Ristic D, Djuric Z, Adzic C, Upravljanje razvojem, Agora, Novi Sad, TF Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, 1993.
- Levi-Jaksic M, Menadzment tehnologije i razvoja, Cigoja, Beograd, 2006.
- Levi-Jaksic M, Upravljanje tehnologijom i operacijama, Cigoja, Beograd, 1998.
- Levi-Jaksic M, Upravljanje tehnoloskim inovacijama, Cigoja, Beograd, 2002.