1. Educational objectives:
The aim of the course is that students learn the most important aspects of the activities and risk management in a practical and theoretical sense.
2. Education Outcomes (Knowledge):
The knowledge gained through teaching this course will help students to be competent in risk management of doing business in company.
3. Content / structure of the course:
Theoretical study:
Introduction to Risk Management. The importance of risk management. Aspects of risk management. Role and handling characteristics risk. The ratio of risk management and environmental management. Popularity of the concept of risk management. Interest in
risk management. Place of risk management in the modern organization theory and management. Risk and the likelihood of future events. Several alternative solutions with a known probability of occurrence. Four basic level of uncertainty.
Risk management and collection management methods and techniques. Managing risk in the project. Factors arising in the course of the project and their contribution to the existence of risk during the project. Risky and undesirable consequences. The concept of project risk. Identification of risk. Analysis and risk assessment. Planning reaction (response) at risk. Control application of the risk. The method of risk assessment. Determination and assessment of risks the likelihood that the project suffered failure.
4. Methods of teaching:
The following methods will be applied: oral methods (monologue, dialogue, discussion); written (teachers' work on the text, the student's work on the text, simultaneous work of teachers and students in the text); Illustrative methods (illustration objects, models, pictures, charts , photographs , tables ...) Demonstration methods.
General information
Study program: Industrial Engineering
Semester: 7
Lectures: 2
Exercises: 1
Prvulović Slavica, Ph.D.
Course books
1.Adamović, Ž. Upravljanje rizikom Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin 2008