1. Educational objectives:
Acquiring the necessary knowledge needed for selection, operation and maintenance of transportation systems as integral components technological processes in industry.
2. Education Outcomes (Knowledge):
Mastering the essential knowledge needed for the selection use and maintenance of transportation systems and equipment in industrial process.
3. Content / structure of the course:
Theoretical study:
Theoretical study of transport types, operating principles, based on the budget and capacity of installed capacity and choice of standard. Equipment: Systems for mechanical transport operations, transport of hydraulic systems, pneumatic conveying systems – turbo-machinery applications in transportation systems, pipelines, transportation systems, water, steam, oil, pipelines. Practical classes solving practical tasks of teaching units above the theoretical classes.
4. Methods of teaching:
Verbal and textual, illustrative-demonstrative, and experimental laboratory
General information
Study program: Industrial Engineering
Semester: 2 MII
Lectures: 2
Exercises: 1
Prvulović Slavica, Ph.D.
- Tolmač, D. Transportni sistemi Tehnički fakultet "M. Pupin", Zrenjanin 2006
- Tolmač, D. Pneumatski transport Tehnički fakultet "M. Pupin", Zrenjanin 1991
- Šašić, M. Proračun transporta i čvrstih materijala cevima Naučna knjiga, Beograd 1976
Dedijer, S. Osnovi transportnih uređaja Građavinska knjiga, Beograd 1989 - Nenad Mileusnić Unutrašnji transport i skladišta Beograd : Naučna knjiga 1990
Tolmač, D. Mašine i aparati Zrenjanin : Tehnički fakultet "Mihajlo Pupin" 1998
Bogner, M., Vuković, D. Problemi iz mehaničkih i hidrodinamičkih operacija Mašinski fakultet, Beograd 1991 - Šašić, M. Transport fluida i čvrstih materijala cevima Beograd : "Naučna knjiga" 1990