University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin


The aim of the course is to provide students with the ability to work autonomously in the field of computer measurement in order to be able to use the gained knowledge in process industry, transportation equipment industry, etc. Students will acquire knowledge necessary for the design and integration of computer systems for industrial monitoring and measurement, which includes knowledge for the practical realization of the industrial monitoring hardware and software. 

The course includes the following themes: the purpose and the concept of computer measuring systems in industrial environments; the general structure of computer measurement systems; the structure of conventional measuring systems; temperature transducers, force transducers, torque transducers, pressure transducers, movement transducers, flow transducers, level transducers, velocity and acceleration transducers; amplifiers and signal conditioners; A/D converters; linking A/D converter with a microprocessor; time base and the sampling rate; acquisition of measured values; conventional measuring systems with a specific signal processing; structure of computer measurement systems based on IEEE 1451 standard; TEDS concept; standard communication within the measuring system with microprocessor platform: EIA232D, RS485, RS422, CAN, PROFIBUS, MBUS; D/A converters; organization of complex systems for monitoring industrial processes. 

Practical classes will enable students to master connecting a computer to a physical process through industry-standard communication, perform multi-channel measurements with computer measuring system in a simulated industrial environment, view and acquire measured data, ​​and perform real-time monitoring.


General information

Study program:

Industrial Engineering, Master academic studies

Information technologies, Master academic studies


Semester: 1

Lectures: 4

Exercises: 2



Zeljko Stojanov, Assistant Professor



Course books

  1.  Вујо Дрндаревић, Персонални рачунари      у системима мерења и управљања, Академска мисао, Београд, 2003. [In Serbian]
  2. Слободан Јанковић, Инструментације, Технички факултет ”Михајло Пупин”, Зрењанин, 2003. [In Serbian]
  3. Жељко Стојанов. Скрипта за      лабораторијске вежбе. Технички факултет ”Михајло Пупин”, Зрењанин, 2013. [In      Serbian]