Acquisition of basic knowledge about the essence, importance and complexity of production technology. Special emphasis is given to the engineering approach to design, combining, connecting and developing parameters that form the basis of many manufacturing technologies. The knowledge acquired is used for the formulation, development and implementation of the theoretical and practical endeavor in the field of production technology, with a focus application of the acquired knowledge in the production practice.
Theoretical and practical study:
Top of Form
Stress, strain and their relationship. Conditions occurrence of plastic deformation, uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial stress state. Parameters workability. Rolling; nature of the forces and stresses; deformation parameters; thermomechanical rolling regime. Pressing; nature of the forces and stresses; deformation parameters; thermomechanical regime extrusion molding. Extraction; nature forces and stresses; deformation parameters; thermomechanical regime drawing. Forging; nature of the forces and stresses; accuracy of production forgings; forging thermomechanical regime. Deep drawing; nature of the forces and stresses; Factors plastic anisotropy. Machines and tools for plastic deformation. Separation processing: cutting, punching and punching. Bending. Removal machining: turning, drilling, milling.
General information
Study program: Industrial engineering
Semester: IV
Lectures: 3
Exercises: 3
Ph.D Slobodanm Stojadinović, full time professor
Course books
- Stojadinović, S., Desnica, E., Pekez, J., Osnovi proizvodnih tehnologija, Tehnički fakultet «Mihajlo Pupin», Zrenjanin, 2012. (ISBN 978-86-7672-155-9)
- Stojadinović, S., Pekez J., Tasić I., Mašinski materijali, sadašnje stanje i perspektive razvoja, Tehnički fakultet „M. Pupin, Zrenjanin, 2009.
- 6. Calister, W., Materials science and engineering, John Wileѕ and Sons, New York, 1997.