Elements of the process plant industry, description of the technological process, schematic processing units, calculation and selection of standard equipment, energy requirements for operation of process plants: production systems with heat exchangers; hydro and thermal plants, process plants and evaporation of ukuvavanje
liquids; drying plants - emerged. Rationalization of energy consumption in process plants, gas installations.
General information
Study program: Industrial Engineering
Semester: 5
Lectures: 2
Exercises: 2
Prof. dr Dragiša Tolmač, full professor
Course books
1.Bogner, M., Brown, A. Design and calculation of process equipment Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, 1991
2.Tolmač, D. Machinery and equipment-manufacturing equipment procesnihsistema, Faculty Mihajlo Pupin 2005
3.Bogner, M., Isailović, M. Natural shorts, Belgrade, 2005
4.Tolmač, D. Processing machines and apparatus - resolved zadaciTehnički Faculty "M.
Pupin "Zrenjanin2000.
5.Bogner, M., Isailović, M. Technical and medical gasoviEta, Beograd2005.