University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin


The educational objectives

The goal of this subject is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge related to the process of knowledge management as an important intellectual resource of an organization, which follows the paradigm of modern business.

Education Outcomes

Students will acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of knowledge management. Also, students are trained to apply practical methods and techniques in the field of knowledge management.


Theoretical classes include: theoretical and practical knowledge for accessing management.

Practical teaching: includes the preparation, development and defending a seminar work in the areas covered by theoretical classes.


General information

Study program: Engineering Management – master academic studies


Semester: 2

Lectures: 3

Exercises: 3



Sajfert Zvonko, Full time professor





  1. Sajfert,      Z., Adamović, Ž., Bešić, C. Knowledge Management, Tehnički fakultet      “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin,2005
  2. Sajfert, Z., Đorđević, D.,Bešić, C. Power of Management and Knowledge Sharing, Zadužbina Andrejević, Belgrade, 2007
  3. Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H. The Knowledge-Creating Company Oxford      University Press, New York 1995
  4. Edvinsson, L. and Malone, M. Intelectual CapitalHarper      Business, A Division of HarperColins Publishers, NewYork1997
  5. Devenport, T., Prusak, L. Working Knowledge, Harvard business      school press, Boston, Massachusetts 1998
  6. Lesser E. L. Knowlwdge and Social Capital – Foundations and      Applications Butterworth Heinemann, An Imprint of Elsevier, Boston Oxford      2000
  7. Wiig, K. People-Focused Knowledge Management, Elsiver, Boston      2004
  8. Lesser, E., Prusak, L. Creating Value with Knowledge Oxford      University Press, Oxford New York 2004
  9. Dalkir, K. Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice Mc Gill      University, Elsever, Boston 2005
  10. Ichijo, K., Nonaka, I. Knowledge Creation and Management New      Challengers for Managers, Oxford University Press, NewYork 2007