University of Novi Sad Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" Zrenjanin

Educational goal is getting knowledge about making modern costume of spring-summer and fall-winter colections. Theoretical studies contains introduction with contemprorary costume, deeper study of the human figure, color and clothing design as the holder of the trend and its psychological impact on humen, fashion details, making sketches for spring - summer or autmn – winter for adults. On this subject students are learning how to draw the human figure in a lot of different poses,  how to make sketches of contemporary costume inspired by one of the period in the history of costume. Through practise (and essay) students handle the specific example of design of modern costume for sprimn – summer or fall – winter colection.

General information

Study program: Clothing technology


Semester: 8

Lectures: 2

Exercises: 2



Vasilije Kovacev , associate  professor


Course books

1, М. Васиљевић, Дизајн, Елит, Београд 1997.

2, М.Фрухт, Дизајн од заната преко уметности до науке, 1995.

3, М.Фрухт, Дизајн у производњи, Научна књига, Београд, 1990.

4, П.Васић, Одело и оружје, Универзитет уметности, Београд, 1992.